Semper Fi Yorkies Puppy Application

Please keep in mind our pricing STARTS as follows:

Traditonal: M: $2500 F: $3000
Traditional Parti: M: $3000 F: $3500
Chocolate: M: $3000 F: $3500
Dark Chocolate: M: $4000 F: $4500
Black: M: $4500 F: $5000
Korean Lines: M: $4500 F: $5000
Any of the above exotic colors will go up due to small size,
extreme babydoll features, or being parti-color

Our application currently has a bug and is not sending.
We have put in a support ticket with the company that does the forms and are waiting to hear back.
Please screen shot the application and text it to me @ 580.647.0755. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Please call your veterinarian beforehand and authorize consent to get a reference.

Any of the above checked "no" will result in your application being refused.  I do NOT hold a puppy without a reservation fee.